Working out with Oleg Vorslav? Yes Please!

Parkour athlete jumping

Monday I worked out with Oleg Vorslav

Yeah, he’s completely out of my league, but it was amazing! I’ve mentioned before that I take the Monday night adult class at Dynasty Fitness. This is a parkour gym located on the boundary of Issaquah, Preston, and Snoqualmie, outside of Seattle, Washington. The gym is run by American Ninja Warrior alumnus, Adam Truesdell (side note, I had to check out Grammar Girl to figure out if that was alumni, alum, or alumnus I should use there).

So anyway, the previous week I was in the gym on Wednesday and I was chatting with Adam while my kids had their class and he pointed out Oleg and explained how he was going to be a guest instructor for the next three weeks. This opportunity is exciting as Dynasty Fitness has also recently picked up a new adult-focused instructor, Brian, formerly of Parkour Visions in Seattle.

Watch Oleg Fly

After having class with Oleg on Monday night, I had to check out his youtube channel, imaginatively titled, Oleg Vorslav. If you’ve watched Ninja Warrior or similar productions, youtube Parkour videos, or the amazing Banlieu 13 (a parkour classic), you know how incredible true artists can be to watch. So, I’ve embedded one of his videos below.

A Workshop?

So I got an email the other day that Dynasty Fitness will be holding a workshop, lead by none other than Oleg Vorslav, on December 3rd. The logistics  and details are as follows:


We will be offering the workshop to our Level 3 students and adults, which will be broken up into 2 two-hour sessions.  During the workshop, Oleg will be going over body weight conditioning drills and exercises. He is a master at monkey bars and fluid movement, thus will teach you how to connect your movements and tie everything into a sweet line. Learn how to add some flair to your moves with the original king of parkour style.

Workshop Itinerary:
Intro, warm-up, mobility, strength & conditioning, technical elements, obstacle course

Sunday, December 3rd*

  • Level 3 (15 openings): 12 pm to 2 pm
  • Adults (20 openings): 3 pm to 5 pm

*This will replace open gym December 3rd.Cost:
$55/student (register by Dec 2nd)
$65/student (register day of event)
   Students get a $10 discount!

Email with questions.

Need some sweet parkour kicks?

Feiyue Shoes
Grab your Feiyues with Amazon Prime and be a Kung Fu master in two days!

If you’re new to the sport, you might think that your average athletic shoe is great. They’re actually not. A lot of parkour focuses on very precise movement. While modern athletic and running shoes have some amazing cushion, that cushion can remove your ability to balance and react quickly and dulls your perception. So do you have to spend a lot on really fancy shoes? You can, but I prefer a Chinese made, martial arts shoe, Feiyue. Amazon carries many sizes and styles in black or white, from many vendors and most pairs sell for well less than twenty bucks. So even if you can’t get to Oleg’s workshop, grab some of these awesome shoes and get out there and have some fun!

Image Credits: James Whatley