Where can I find logo for my blog?

404 – Logo not found

Obviously, my blog has launched. I’ve had my own websites in the past, as far back as the mid-90s with Geocities (if you recognize that name, congratulate yourself and then take a drink to forget how old you are). Those efforts always lacked branding. I had no logo or planned color schemes, nada. Why? Because I’m not much of an artist (other than with a camera). I’m trying to go differently this time around.

There’s lots of resources out there where you can find a logo. Since I’m attempting to make money off this blog, I can’t just grab any old picture from a Google image search. On a side note, as an amateur photographer, I’ve found out that even non-commercial use without permission can be significantly frowned upon. Instead, I need something I have commercial rights to.

I’m thinking that I’ll probably go check out Fiverr. On that site, you can reach a lot of freelancers who will do jobs within their specialty for as little as $5. A recent podcast I listened to mentioned a logo purchased for only $25. Have you used Fiverr to get a logo created? If so, drop me a comment at the bottom of the page with a referral if you’re happy with the work. Alternately, are you a graphic designer looking for a little exposure, maybe you can design a logo and I can provide promotion back for you.

Wherever this particular journey goes, I’ll come back and update this post with when, where, and for how much I found my logo. Hopefully you can be part of that solution!

Image Credits: Karen Eliot