What is WATCH D.O.G.S.? – Hang with your kid at school!

Watch D.O.G.S.

Thursday I volunteered at my sons’ school as part of their WATCH D.O.G.S. program. This is something I do every year. I don’t have a ton of vacation time, I can’t be at the school as much as my wife. Heck, she’s a substitute teacher now too.  What I can do is participate in, and promote this wonderful program. So every year, I attend the kickoff, give a testimonial about my experiences as a Watchdog, and at least volunteer once each for my kids’ birthdays.

Watch D.O.G.S or Watchdogs is an amazing program to help get positive male role models into grade schools. On the whole, the administrative and teaching staff at grade schools leans very heavily female. There’s nothing inherently wrong in that except that there are a lot of kids growing up with single mothers. These kids often lack a positive male role model in their lives.

The Watch D.O.G.S. program started out with a grade school that needed a little extra security. Fathers organized to be present and visible at the school to provide an extra layer of protection. Soon enough, the dads and students started interacting. This snowballed and everyone involved realized what a great influence it was to have the dads, uncles, and grandpas at the schools, participating in play and learning.

I’ve taught lessons, played dodge ball, given one-on-one reading coaching, read Dr. Suess and a whole lot more in my tenure as a Watchdog. It’s exhausting, it’s rewarding, it’s amazing. If you have the opportunity and your children’s school has the program, I urge you to participate. If you’re school doesn’t have the program, I urge you to reach out to your PTSA and the school’s administration to consider implementing it. It’s a great program and really does impact the lives of so many children who can benefit from a little extra attention.